Discover the allure of Lake Como, Italy's stunning vacation destination nestled in the Alps. With picturesque towns lining its shores, including the charming Bellagio where the lake's two arms meet, Lake Como offers a mystical old-fashioned feel. Experience the beauty of Villa d'Este, Passalacqua, and Villa del Balbianello with their lush gardens and fragrant greenery. Enjoy scenic walks, lazy lakeside days, and luxurious boat rides across the sparkling water. Lake Como Idyll promises a magical Italian getaway full of romance, charm, and breathtaking landscapes.
296 pages
Over 250 illustrations
English language
Released in June 2023
W 10 x L 13 x D 2 in
Silk Hardcover
ISBN: 6.0 lbs.
All books and home decor are considered final sale and may not be returned or exchanged.
Discover the allure of Lake Como, Italy's stunning vacation destination nestled in the Alps. With picturesque towns lining its shores, including the charming Bellagio where the lake's two arms meet, Lake Como offers a mystical old-fashioned feel. Experience the beauty of Villa d'Este, Passalacqua, and Villa del Balbianello with their lush gardens and fragrant greenery. Enjoy scenic walks, lazy lakeside days, and luxurious boat rides across the sparkling water. Lake Como Idyll promises a magical Italian getaway full of romance, charm, and breathtaking landscapes.
296 pages
Over 250 illustrations
English language
Released in June 2023
W 10 x L 13 x D 2 in
Silk Hardcover
ISBN: 6.0 lbs.
All books and home decor are considered final sale and may not be returned or exchanged.